Globalist Governments Intensify Propaganda And Segregation To Vilify, Isolate and Starve-Out Those Who Resist

The International Travel Ban wasn’t enough. But it was never going to be.

Now Globalist Governments have begun to restrict their own Citizens Domestically in almost every way imaginable.

So let’s look at what’s been happening:

The Canadian Government within the last 24 hours have announced an imminent (by fall) ban of the unvaccinated from most methods of public transportation, including “…all commercial air travelers, passengers on inter-provincial trains and passengers on large, marine vessels with overnight accommodations such as cruise ships…”

They are also forcing everyone in the Federal Government to be subjected to Medical Experimentation indefinitely or lose their jobs.

The Purge continues – Trudeau needs a Government that is Pure, Communist, questions nothing and worships the new Covid State.

You won’t find a shred of “Misinformation”, either via discussions involving critical thinking or empirical evidence contrary to the Globalist Narrative, by the time this Critical-Race Preaching Traitor is finished.

Not within 500 yards of a Government Building anyway.

It appears in the US it has been considered that interstate travel, that is to say travel within America by Americans, is too risky a strategy to bar the unvaccinated from “right now”.

Here is what you can take from that:

They would love to do it immediately to “flush the rats out” (the unvaccinated, the vaccinated who reject further medical experimentation and anyone who dares to mention the terms “Civil Liberties” or “Freedom of Speech”).

However, they clearly suspect they would face mass resistance attempting to literally carve up the Country into “State Of Emergency” Globalist Governates (Dictatorships) that only the vaccinated are allowed to travel between.

Despite this, as many of you are well aware, for the last year and a half (and counting) the rule has been that not a single day may be allowed to pass without either the stripping of freedoms or issuing of threats, all done under a perpetual cloud of intentionally-induced Media hysteria.

Therefore, perhaps because the American Government needed some time to check whether there were actually any rights or freedoms left to take off of Americans, the Department of Homeland Security stepped up to the plate to keep that perpetual propaganda going.

It let the world know that it’s priority is those who “spread false narratives” about Covid or take issue with the loss of their livelihoods, their children’s educations, their jobs, their homes, the lives of previously healthy loved ones (Pre-Covid) to suicide and addiction, their religious rites and ceremonies, their social lives, their freedom of speech, their freedom of movement.

Their freedom in general.

I’m paraphrasing of course: They say it’s those who take issue with the “Restrictions”.

It’s important to remember that when they use that term they really mean the above.

So if you have a problem with any of that being your “New Normal” indefinitely, or you don’t believe to the letter what the WHO, CDC or the auto-cue of a President in the latest possible stage of Dementia tells you?

Terrorist. Top of their list.

Clearly they aren’t worried about Islamic Extremists anymore, given that the US taxpayer just funded a failed 20 year war in Afghanistan which cost Trillions of Dollars only for the Taliban to re-take the second biggest City in the Country within the last 48 hours.

It took literally weeks to reclaim most of the country after two decades of efforts by the same oppressive Military-Industrial Machine that now considers you it’s number one enemy if you refuse to allow yourself and your family to be completely subjugated – Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually.

So take heart – The war on your freedom can’t be won through force alone no matter how many Trillions of your tax money is spent on weapons, soldiers and “Intelligence Agencies” whose
main aim is now to enforce your complete obedience, force Medical Procedures on you and your family and have you under some kind of surveillance at all times. This can be from
your phone in your living room to your Covid Passport logging every time you go to the local shop while on Holiday in a Foreign Country.

This is not to give the Taliban any credit – They are despicable Tyrants in their own right. But if they can undo most of a 20 year, Multi-Trillion Dollar, Multi-National campaign in 2 weeks then why can’t the British, The Americans, The Italians, The Australians, The Lithuanians, The New Zealanders do the same?

They need compliance from the masses.

They need you to give them your freedoms, which you did in good faith thinking you were saving lives, but now (as has been the case throughout human history) they don’t want to give them back – ever.

And they aren’t happy holding on to a few freedoms – They want it all, forever, in the name of “Covid”. An Indefinite, Global, Permanent State Of Emergency.

Or a literal Hell On Earth, in other words.

Complete enslavement.

This applies the world over – Global Bio-Surveillance Communism is here, and it is already worse than anything we have seen in Generations.

Where this ends, however, will likely be the worst thing we have ever witnessed as a species.

Unless we resist these Undemocratic, Narcissistic, Power-Mad Communists in ever larger numbers, internationally, our children will live under Tyranny indefinitely.

So getting back to the Department of Homeland Security – They are now focusing on “Domestic Terrorists” talking about old-fashioned, naive ideas like the Constitution, Freedom and Presumed Innocence.

Most countries will have their “Intelligence Agencies” looking at the same thing – Those who don’t comply with the “New Normal”.

Those who don’t adhere to it’s more “modern, progressive ideas”, such as:

*Emergency Powers
*Decrying all Opposition as “Misinformation”
*Totalitarian Censorship Worldwide
*The Moral Infallibility Of The State
*The “Re-Education” of “Health / Social” Risks
*The Imposition OF a Global Social Credit System that will make the Current Chinese “Dry Run” appear Liberal.
*The Segregation Of Those Who Don’t Bend.
*The Mass Imprisonment Of Those Who Don’t Bend.

Pick up a history book and it will tell you what the final step is.

While America’s DHS declares Covid “False Narratives”, “Anti-Authority Groups” and “Domestic Extremists” the Priority “Threat” To The United States it is important that you bear one thing in mind:

These intentionally ambiguous, broad terms encompass most of the United States. Or at least, they can be used that way.

And that’s the whole point.

Stay safe – Get a plan together for you and yours.

Because “Anti-Authority” in 2021 is what “Islamic Extremist” was in 2001.

Global Civil Unrest Imminent As Information Control Fails While Australia And New Zealand Become Communist States

They overestimated their control over information.

They underestimated the intelligence of (most of) the Public and now they know if they don’t violently suppress this “Large Minority” then it all falls apart. A “Large Minority” that is clearly actually a Majority which they are using the Media to downplay, which I will show in a future N-19 Update.

And if it all falls apart, they will (depending on just how many people they turn out to have killed or maimed, the specific lies they told and and where exactly they committed their war crimes):

*Spend the remainder of their lives in Prison.

*Hang – Just like their mentors did at Nuremberg.

Let me be clear. Even if these Vaccines turn out to be the safest single thing a Human Being has ever put in his body?

These people deserve to spend the rest of their lives in Prison. Hanging is too good for them.

I would say turn them into Human Guinea Pigs while inside, but I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror every day knowing I’m a War Criminal.

The reason is simple: They gambled with the lives of Humanity for, at best, personal gain / fear of speaking out and, at worst, a Globalist Cartel of Elites unelected by the Public who they betrayed their countries and (frankly) their own species in the name of.

Many, particularly in Dictatorships like Australia and New Zealand, seem to be actively enjoying it.

The Health Minister in New Zealand has even bragged about “hunting down” the unvaccinated, declaring that “everyone” will be subjected to Forced Medical Experimentation. Here’s the video:

He likely meant he was going to “hunt you down” to ask you politely if you consent.

Meanwhile here is the Prime Minister of the same country, Proud Worshiper of The Chinese Communist Party and prime candidate for
a Mental Asylum should the World ever become rational again, openly supporting tagging the Unvaccinated with Ankle Bracelets:

As for Australia: Here is a clip of a Police Helicopter being deployed *at the start of the Pandemic* last year in order to arrest three men, which they found via night-vision technology and a report from their Communist neighbors, who were having a drink on the roof of their building.

They were later escorted away using Police Dogs after being informed that “the building was surrounded”.

Surely that was overzealous Police at the start responding to a disease they didn’t know much about, right? We were only a few months in then?

Well they just decided to lockdown their Capital over a single Covid Case within the last 24 hours, so no – They appear to have lost their minds with power.

Two weeks to flatten the curve remember. Just keep complying – Look how well that has worked so far.

Watch those videos quickly – It is Youtube and Twitter after all. “Misinformation” includes information the Globalists said themselves on National Television, if they later decide they don’t want people to know they have said it. Don’t trust your eyes or ears – Trust them.

If they can’t scrub it, they will fact check it – “It’s out of context!” is my personal favorite as it can be said about anything and they then consider that case closed, with Google making 10 Media Outlets that follow the narrative the top 10 results showing how it is “debunked”. Wouldn’t want to “misinform” the Public, who are clearly too stupid to discern what is or isn’t credible for themselves.

Leave the thinking to your rulers.

Doing that with Politicians is one thing – Doing it with Doctors trying to warn the World of a Global Crime Against Humanity is unforgivable.

In fact, here is Jacinda “Beijing” Arden telling you herself as the Covid Experiment went live last year (This is the actual quote):

“We will continue to be your single source of truth… Dismiss anything else… We will provide information frequently…”.

I know that seems far-fetched, so here’s the actual video:

There is an expression, which I will paraphrase, which goes something like this:

“When you owe the bank $100,000 you have a problem. When you owe the bank $100,000,000 they have a problem.”

If you now replace the Bank with the Globalist Governments perpetrating these Crimes Against Humanity, then replace the Dollars with the growing number of people adamantly opposed to the “New Normal”, I am sure you can gather where I am going with this.

When I refer to people I mean both:

The Unvaccinated, who are already being made to carry their “Star of David’s” around with them in the form of Covid Passports.

It won’t end there, by the way.


The Vaccinated that have realized this has nothing to do with Public Health and that they have in fact been
Medically Experimented on, yet received none of the benefits they were promised. They can still transmit it, and are now
being called “potential super-spreaders” of “dangerous variants” by those who told them to take it. They still have to wear masks,
still have no freedom, they did everything they were told and yet… now there are even more restrictions in place.

With no end date.

How strange.

A perfect example: The videos of a large crowd of Italians burning the Green Cards (Covid Passports) that they received after they got the vaccines.


Because they know what those “passports / cards / gold stars” are really for.

Also included in the resistance are those Vaccinated who will no longer be pawns to a Globalist, Authoritarian Police State, as well as the Millions of people that have been injured by the Vaccine in Europe And America according to Official Figures. I shudder to think what the real ones are.


Because it’s likely only several percent of the victims linked the effects to the vaccine, and that’s before you even consider the gross manipulation of the figures the authorities worldwide have openly admitted to in the ridiculous way they calculate Covid Mortality Statistics.

However, by necessity, it will have to disclude the tens of thousands of people these Vaccines have killed already.

They won’t be here to protest.

And of course, those with certain newly acquired afflictions Post-Gene Therapy, such as neurological and heart disorders, probably won’t be picking up picket signs either.

But we will be.

And Picket signs aren’t the only things we can pick up.

The Medical, Military and Police Purges – Get Ready For The Next Stage Of Apartheid and Permanent Martial Law.

We have just witnessed the announcement that the US Military is planning to force all Active-Duty Personnel to take an experimental vaccine that hasn’t been approved by the FDA, did not pass (and is of a type that has never passed) Animal Testing trials to prove it is safe in Humans and is manufactured by Big Pharma who they have given Immunity from liability if they maim or kill them, en masse, in 2, 5, 10 or 20 years’ time.

Of course, why wait? Millions of reports have already been made of adverse side effects relating to these vaccines in Europe alone. Tens of thousands dead. Many were elderly, sure, but that isn’t mentioned when figures of deaths in Covid-19 infected patients are used to justify indefinite Martial Law Worldwide, so you can’t have it both ways.

Actually, apparently, you can.

Not to mention you could, according to “Covid Death” Criteria in the UK as an example, be hit by a car and still count as a Covid-19 death if a highly inaccurate PCR test said you had it 28 days before.

Look it up. That is the actual criteria. That will go down as a Covid Death. That alone should tell you this whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with Public Health.


This is a purge – It is as simple as that. This purge will be imitated by many Governments worldwide.

If they are a “developed” country that has inconvenient things such as Human Rights laws and laws regarding Medical Consent, they will simply re-write them.

Or better yet (as has been the case throughout the World since the Covid Experiment went live) they will simply ignore them by giving themselves indefinite “Emergency Powers” through a never-ending series of renewals to the “States Of Emergency” that they have used to acquire Absolute, Dictatorial Authority over their cattle.

Powers which they have used to commit human rights abuses on a mass scale, while violating all 10 principles of the Nuremberg Code.

A code modeled on preventing the evil acts of Nazi & Japanese War Criminals from occurring in the future.

So getting back to the point:

Be subject to Medical Experimentation or you can’t stay in the Military.

You will also potentially be subject to court martial and lose all of your benefits (such as your pension), even if you have given 20 years of exemplary service to your country.

Do you see how desperate they are?

Why would a Government do this to their Military, many of whom are firmly against the vaccine for the above stated reasons (and about a hundred more legitimate ones on top of that)?

Why are they forcing Medical Staff to get the injection – who are turning it down in large numbers – even firing Medical Staff who refuse despite simultaneously claiming that they are “overwhelmed” with Covid patients and are at “full capacity”.

Aren’t they interested in finding out why the most qualified people on the planet would rather lose their careers than get the “vaccine”?

Just imagine that. Firing nurses, in some cases 150+ in a single hospital, when you say there is a pandemic “ravaging” the country.

Soon, but not yet, they will make it mandatory for Police in the US. But they can only deal with the fallout from one purge at a time. It is very telling that they chose the Military over the Police as their priority – Until you think about it carefully.

The Fact is that Countries worldwide will do this as those who do not take the Vaccine simply do too much critical thinking to be useful when looking to segregate, discriminate against and effectively shut out (at best) or imprison “Non-Compliants”.

If you aren’t their property, you aren’t allowed in society anymore.

As the Australian Government has shown, who at this stage should no longer call itself Democratic or adherent to Human Rights Conventions as they have completely lost their minds with power, they will happily use the Military to enforce their Apartheid.

One of their own tried to speak out against the masks and Lockdowns recently and there is now talk of rooting him out of Government altogether for daring to speak out against the one and only truth – The Globalist, Authoritarian Narrative.

This isn’t about your health. The masks, the experimental vaccines, the propaganda which frankly has surpassed even the Soviets and is now in league with the Chinese Communist Party.

Which would make sense, seeing as most National Politicians who support Global Martial Law are personally in league with the CCP as well, be it for financial gain, power or simply because they are an actual Communist.

By way of example: The Current *Head of the WHO*, a proud member of an Ethiopian Communist Political Party also designated by the US as a terrorist organization, who you may have noticed now has more power than anyone you are allowed to vote for despite the fact almost nobody knew who he was before he was placed into his position by other people you also don’t know the identities of.

Do you think he would be there if the Chinese thought he was against their agenda? Do you think it is a coincidence that a literal Communist heads the WHO?

Jacinda Arden, the Far-Left New Zealand Prime Minister who just performed two mass country-wide gun confiscations in the last few years based on the first mass shooting in 30 years in the country that wasn’t even committed by a New Zealand Citizen. It
was an Australian. She actually bragged how it only took weeks to pass the bill allowing for mass gun confiscation.

She also effectively works as Xi Jinping’s Communist Regime’s PR Manager, routinely ignoring their human rights abuses. She was happy to dress up in a head dress for the Mosque shooting she used to strip her country of guns for something not one of them was guilty of, but ignores The Chinese Xinjiang Concentration Camps which imprison 1-1.5 Million Uyger Muslims in any given year.

She is also untouchable and can do no wrong in the eyes of both Big Media and Big Tech.

Who are owned by people making Billions for themselves by keeping you locked down. As just one example, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

Work that one out.

Your Government is preparing for any combination of, or all of, the following things:

*Enforcing at gunpoint your new 2nd Class Status in society.

*Taking your children away from you if you refuse to get them “vaccinated” – Likely to the “Green Zones” the CDC suggested.

*Stopping you trying to exercise the basic rights that will now be a thing of the past, like the right to protest or speak freely. You have no rights anymore – We now live in a permanent state of emergency where they are forever “suspended”. It’s for your own good, of course.

*Placing you or your relatives by force into CDC “Green Zone” Camps, as outlined in a previous N-19 Update.

*Forcibly injecting you with whatever experimental substances they deem fit.

*Imprisoning you.

*Eventually, if every other time this scenario has played out in Human History is anything to go by, they will start “cleansing” the country of “health / social risks” like you altogether.


In large numbers.

I would say blacklisting you to stop you accessing basic services, even health services, but that’s already been done. Now they need loyal “Yes Men” who will arbitrarily detain, or even put a bullet in, their own countrymen if someone with a higher rank tells them to.

A Globalist / Communist “Model Enforcer.”

Critical thinking at this Critical stage is a Critical Threat to them. If they don’t force enough people to take this vaccine soon the control group will be too large and any side effects, or intentional effects, that injure or kill the rest will be too obvious.

And they know that will be the end of them.

So they would rather have everything in place to end you first.

This is why they are, in some countries, even stopping you from leaving the country altogether until you are “double jabbed”.

Remember what the CDC said in the document in the prior Update – Up to a “quarter of the population” qualifies to be placed into those camps for “at least 6 months” but “possibly much longer”.

Don’t let yourself be one of them.

This applies to everyone, not just Americans / Australians / New Zealanders – Be Prepared. A lot of these mandates have deadlines for next month – The US Military, Places of employment etc.

Get your plan together, because there is no hiding from this one. They will be at your door in the near future – They have said so themselves.

And it won’t be good.

Covid “Passports” – A One-Way Ticket To Hell

In this N-19 Update I will first briefly explain why Travel Passports and Covid “Passports” are not even remotely similar.

I will then show how losing the battle against these Covid “Passports” and the Medical Apartheid the Globalists are trying to create will see us living in a Global Bio-Surveillance Police State where you have no rights to decide what is best for you or your family, even when it comes to which Medical Experiments you are subjected to.

It is astonishing that anyone could conflate a Travel Passport with a Covid “Passport”. These people are either propagandists with an agenda or dangerously ignorant / misinformed.

A Travel Passport does not require you to have an indefinite series of experimental Medical Procedures in order to have access to fundamental parts of society such as getting a job, running a business, getting an education, eating at a restaurant, attending an event and even, in some countries already, *accessing Medical Services*.

A Travel Passport does not log your every move in real time with a Government, be it your Government or a Foreign Government, every time you want to go shopping, go to the gym, stay at a hotel or watch a movie.

A Travel Passport will not leave all of this information stored on a Database ready to be used against you by either the Government which stores it or perpetrators or the inevitable hack that steals it.

Data is routinely stolen from the Government,including the biggest theft of Data from the Government in US History (SolarWinds) which was conveniently forgotten about relatively quickly given the sheer scale of it. The NHS in the UK has been hacked. Hackers, allegedly Russian / Chinese, broke into the European Medicine Agency’s systems last year during their “rush for a Covid-19 Vaccine” and published the information on the Dark Web.

That was all since *last year* and it’s the tip of the iceberg.
Now they are going to have your entire Life recorded on a database in their hands? Even if you assume your Government will be forevermore comprised of nothing but benevolent patriots with only your best interests in mind, which given the current situation we are in would make you certifiably insane, what happens *when* (not if) they get hacked?

What then?

When Russian Or Chinese hackers have your entire life on a disk, with every data point being something they can potentially use against either you individually or a Nation / The West en masse?

That doesn’t even cover the Privacy implications, which can be summed up as follows:

You will have none.

You are now property of the Government, and your business is their business.

Finally, a Travel Passport is not needed everywhere you go – Domestically or Internationally.

The days of getting on a plane, going to a Foreign Country and getting away from your own if it crosses that Totalitarian Line, which most already have, are gone.

Between your Covid Passport, your Credit Card Information and Your Phone they will know your every thought, every move, what you eat, where you sleep, who you sleep with, who your friends are and literally everything else you could imagine.

You are their cattle.

You are a their slave.

You are their property.

Get out of line and they will simply turn off your access to society – Even in a Foreign Country. You will simply be deemed a “Health Risk”.

But you will find that many “Health Risks” are actually “Social Risks” – People who refuse to be experimented on, controlled, monitored 24/7 and dictated to. *That* is where this is going – A Global, Chinese-Style Social Credit System.

*That* is the end game here.

But I will cover that in a future update – It is beyond the scope of this one.

This is a fight we simply cannot afford to lose. Once they have this level of control it will be close to impossible to stop them through anything other than violence.

Ideally that never has to happen.


But the last Year and a half has been far from ideal.

And with that said, I will leave you with the understatement of the Decade.

Green Is The New Red – Analyzing The CDC Document For American Concentration Camps

Here is the CDC Document “Evaluating Considerations” for Concentration Camps, which in a failed attempt
at Public Relations have been labelled “Green Zones”.

The thinking behind the name is clear. Green Zones were the safest areas for American Troops in Iraq and
elsewhere. Green is about as far from Red, traditionally recognized as the color of Communism and Fascist
Regimes like the National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. Everyone likes to see the Stock Market Green when
they invest (unless they have shorted a stock).

It’s a positive color.

But that’s where the positivity ends here unfortunately.

First, Source:

That’s the CDC itself, so we can skip the “prove the theory” stage. They are happy to own this one.

This N-19 Update will be analyzing the words from the CDC themselves whilst giving you the original quotes so you can make your own judgement call. This is about informing you and
shortlisting the important points in a lengthy document.

Here are six quotes (to start with), with all but the final one being from the Summary at the end so we can get an overview (italics inserted):

1) “While the shielding approach is not meant to be coercive, it may appear forced or be misunderstood in humanitarian settings.”

2) “As with many community interventions meant to decrease COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, compliance and
behavior change are the primary rate-limiting steps and may be driven by social and emotional factors. These changes are difficult in developed, stable settings…”

3) “While the premise is based on mitigation strategies used in the United Kingdom, there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in various humanitarian settings.”

4) “This document highlights a) risks and challenges of implementing this approach, b) need for additional
resources in areas with limited or reduced capacity, c) indefinite timeline, and d) possible short-term and long-term adverse consequences.”

5) “Household-level shielding seems to be the most feasible and dignified as it allows for the least disruption
to family structure and lifestyle, critical components to maintaining compliance… In humanitarian settings,
small village, sector/block, or camp-level shielding may allow for greater adherence to proposed protocol, but at the expense of longer-term social impacts triggered by separation from friends and family, feelings of isolation, and stigmatization. Most importantly, accidental introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission and increased morbidity and mortality as observed in assisted care facilities in the US.

6) “…in some humanitarian settings more than one quarter of the population may fall under high risk categories…”

Let’s look at them.

1) I think we all know why having family members forcibly dragged out of their homes and isolated in camps for a disease as benign as Covid might “appear forced”. Because it is the literal definition of the word. This isn’t Summer Camp – They aren’t Volunteers. Worth noting that they will be there (according to the CDC) for at least 6 months, likely much longer, but we will get to that shortly.

2) There it is again. “Behavior Change”. Is the CDC the Center For Disease Control or the Center for Behavioral Control? They seem more concerned with selling Vaccines they have Billions of Dollars of Patents for and controlling people’s Behavior and Minds than they do with this so called “Deadly Pandemic”. Caused by a virus they funded the creation of through the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but that’s for a future post.

3) No analysis required here, straight from the horses mouth: “No empirical evidence” that it works. They openly admit to not even knowing if it might make it worse. It would, which they know, and the reason is in point 5.

4) “Indefinite Timeline”. How does that sound to you? It isn’t a concentration camp, it’s a “Green Zone”, where we force
(without forcing) your relatives who we deem to be a health risk, which we all know will be expanded to include the
Unvaccinated but even right now includes definitions as broad as “Pre-Existing conditions”, the list of which could be
expanded effortlessly while simply pointing out they declared “Pre-Existing Conditions” as part of the criteria from the

So basically it is already anyone they feel like declaring a risk. Do you remember when the same American Government declared half the country Domestic Terrorists earlier this year? They will be the ones deciding who is a Domestic Health Risk now. Think about that.

5) They can’t even keep Covid-19 out of a single hospital. Many people contract Covid-19 after being admitted to Hospital.
They even state themselves that it is already the case with care homes. This is how you easily gather all of societies health
“risks” and expensive-to-maintain health vulnerable in one place to wipe them out. I am not saying that is or isn’t the
intention – I am saying that is what will almost certainly happen. How can you stop it getting into these proposed “Camps”?

6) If reading this didn’t worry you, you need to wake up – If not for your own sake then for the sake of your family.

These “Green Zones / Camps” are not Concentration Camps because they changed the preceding word, in much the same way “Internment
Camps” weren’t Concentration Camps for Japanese-Americans during World War 2 because they were “Internment” camps.

If they are willing to do it *at the same time* as the Nazi Regime, why not in 2021?

Here are a few more you should be aware of:

“Plan for an extended duration of implementation time, at least 6 months.”

“Herd immunity (the depletion of susceptible people) for COVID-19 has not been demonstrated to date. It is also unclear if
an infected person develops immunity and the duration of potential immunity is unknown. Thus, contingency plans to account
for a possibly extended operational timeline are critical.”

“The green zone and living areas for high-risk residents should be aligned with minimum humanitarian (SPHERE) standards.”

“…it is necessary to ensure minimum public health standards”

“This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support
response activities in these settings.”

“Each green zone has a dedicated latrine/bathing facility for high-risk individuals”.

“Camp/Sector Level: A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk
individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together. One entry point is
used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing
physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.”

But it definitely is not a Concentration Camp.

Finally, if all that doesn’t do it for you, here’s there bottom line:

“Low-risk HH members (*Note from N-19 – This means “Members of the Public that aren’t sent to the Concentration Camps”) should not enter the green zone. (*Note from N-19 – This means “They cannot see their families, at least in the majority of cases”).

This isn’t just America – This is the whole World – But there is only so much that can be covered in one N-19 Update. Although America stands with the Minority who still have a sizeable, armed Civilian population.

They are coming for your family, and they are coming for you. It’s as simple as that – They have openly stated it. Get over your Cognitive Dissonance and get a plan together, because even if they don’t build these “Green Zones” they have already taken everything away and will continue to take in one form or another until you stop them.

Or they own you.

These Are The Dangerous People You Shouldn’t Listen To.

Trust The Experts… If they support our Global Medical Apartheid / Police State.

If we don’t let a Doctor or a Scientist state their case on Big Media then you shouldn’t trust them.

Forget their Qualifications, Job Titles or Experience.

If they don’t appear in Media we fund, they cannot be trusted.
In fact, go ahead and Google them. We feel confident that all of the top results you come across will show you that their claims are debunked, their achievements weren’t really that great and they have now likely lost their job / research funding.

They probably beat their wives as well.

What more proof do you need?

Just ignore the fact that these changes to their online reputation were all made after they came out against our Global Human Experimentation / Mass enslavement project.

This is the message Governments have given the citizens they think of as nothing but an uneducated herd – Easily manipulated.

I want to show you some of the people you aren’t allowed to see in the New York Times or on the BBC – Unless they are having their character assassinated for deviating from the Globalist script. The one that will see the World fall ever deeper into the Totalitarian hole it is already in.

Let’s take a look at what “Conspiracy Theorists” look like in real life.

Meet Peter Schirmacher, The Director of The Pathological Institute Institute of the University of Heidelberg, ranked as one of the top 100 professionals in his field by “The Pathologist” Magazine. The German Government are not very happy with this man as he recently used some of the grant money that they gave him to perform autopsies not only on Patient’s who died from Covid, which is what they gave it to him for, but on around 40 Vaccinated Patients too.

He reached the conclusion that 30-40 percent of patients who died within two weeks of receiving a Covid-19 “Vaccine” had likely died from the *vaccination itself*.

He dared to suggest to the German Government that they perform more autopsies on the vaccinated. They responded by saying his claims were “incomprehensible”. Then the Federal Association of German Pathologists *backed up* Dr. Schirmacher’s call for more autopsies.

It must be said that he is *pro-vaccine* – All he did was publicly note his professional observation and make a basic request for more autopsies to be done in order to understand the dangers better.

Remember this is based on the professional experience of the *Director* of the *Pathological Institute* that the Government gave 1.8 Million Euros to do the research, after handling the autopsies of more than 40 “vaccinated” people.

They just didn’t like the results.

They didn’t fit the narrative, therefore they were “incomprehensible”.

Perhaps what they meant was that they had created such a climate of fear in Germany, even banning *protests* now, that they found it incomprehensible anyone would speak out against the Neo-Gestapo.

Particularly someone who has a Medical License to lose.

I guess he cares more about human life, the monster.

Here is the original article in German so you have a source – Google Translate it quickly, before it becomes a criminal offense to do so:

( ).

Here are some more:

1) America’s Front-line Doctors.

Comprised of, you guessed it, *Doctors*.

Here is there site:

Here is a video from the “White Coat Summit” of a Board Certified Pathologist showing scans of a human body permanently damaged by what he refers to as the “Toxic Spike Protein” in the vaccines:

Can you guess the response of Big Tech & Big Media?


2) World Doctors Alliance.

In their words:

“An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance (sic) of psychological and physical wellbeing (sic) for all humanity.”

Here is their site:

You guessed it.


3) Doctors For Truth.

I’m sure by this point your sensing a theme and wouldn’t be surprised if I were to tell you that around **600** Doctors in Spain held a National Press Conference where they stated this:
‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’


4) Doctors For Information.

The exact same as Doctors For Truth, only comprised of 500 Doctors in Germany.


5) A Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer at Pfizer. Yes, Pfizer – One of the vaccine companies.

Dr. Michael Yeadon (PhD) as held over 40 separate interviews explaining to people that this vaccine is mass human experimentation, not safe and the purpose is not to combat Covid but to install a Global Police State. I am paraphrasing here – he is a bit more diplomatic, but this is the point he makes. Have a listen to one of them here:


6) The ***Creator of / Significant Contributor to MRNA Technology***:

I am going to do a future post solely on what happened to Dr. Robert Malone, as it is a perfect example of Soviet-Era “Discredit, Disgrace and Punish” tactics that Big Tech / Big Media use to silence anyone.

They changed his Wikipedia page to take away his association with the Vaccines, for one, but it gets worse from there. He was actually interviewed by Tucker Carlson of Fox News so I wouldn’t usually put him in an N-19 Update, as they are primarily to expose unknown or little-known information to the Public. However, when it is someone of this caliber it simply needs to be pointed out.


These are people that are sacrificing everything they have worked for to save your life.

Just as the complicit Globalist Governments are War Criminals, these people are War Heroes.

After all, you were told to “Trust The Science”, Right?

Lose The Control Or Lose Control.

Let’s talk about one of the real reasons why those in charge appear so excruciatingly desperate that every man, woman, child, baby and now even fetus gets these new “vaccines”.

I emphasize that this is just one of the reasons – We will cover the others in future updates.

Returning back to the subject at hand – Their eagerness is even stranger given the context. It’s common knowledge that these are
the only modern “vaccines” whose manufacturers decided to forego the usual 10-15 years of safety trials required for all other vaccines, regarding them as simply an inconvenience that could be finished at some point in the future.

Their disdain for the trials is understandable, at least if you only look at it from a profit perspective and disregard trivialities such as the potential for
a global genocide.

After all, a safe Coronavirus Vaccine that could be proven safe in animal trials proved to be beyond the reach of Medicine’s best and brightest.

Every time.

Luckily for us we had a scientific “miracle”, or to be specific, a group of “miracles”, as a handful of large Pharmaceutical Companies individually yet simultaneously managed to transcend in several months a barrier that the Global Medical Community hadn’t overcome in decades – A Coronavirus Vaccine that is “safe” in Humans.

But you can’t get the results you don’t want if you don’t wait for the results. Who cares what they end up being months or years from now – The Governments signed contracts giving them legal immunity anyway.

You can’t fault their logic. Once again, ignoring the potential for genocide.

ABC Australia actually published an article where they were interviewing a Doctor who was involved in “the successful HPV vaccination” in April last year, just before this period of widespread scientific genius.

Of course, I’m not sure how successful certain tribal communities in India thought the vaccine was after their children were used as Guinea Pigs, with the Indian Government actually suspending the Vaccine Trials carried out by PATH due to the fact they didn’t even properly gain consent from the parents to experiment on their children. Path were directly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This was all decided after a high profile formal Government investigation. But I digress.

The article is titled “We’ve never made a successful vaccine for Coronavirus before. This is why it’s so difficult”.

Remember that because this article was published in April 2020 it was just before the official narrative that Big Media is told to follow had been changed to the current “Experimental Vaccine Worship” we see today where nobody – Doctor / Scientist or otherwise – is allowed to question them publicly.

Here’s a quote from Dr.Frazer, of the University of Queensland, which you can find in the article:

(Article Link:

“One of the problems with corona vaccines in the past has been that when the immune response does cross over to where the virus-infected cells are it actually increases the pathalogy rather than reducing it… So that immunization with SARS corona vaccine caused, in animals, inflammation in the lungs which wouldn’t otherwise have been there if the vaccine hadn’t been given.”

Yes, that’s right. As recently as April last year you were allowed to say that and you would even be quoted by Big Media as an authority on the matter, instead of being publicly crucified, censored and even having your Medical License put in jeopardy as you would now. Do you think that last part is an exaggeration?

The US Federation of State Medical Boards, a non-profit that represents Medical Boards in all 50 states, stated on July 29th 2021 that Doctors caught spreading “misinformation” about Covid “could lose their license”.

Here’s one more quote:

“I think it would be fair to say even if we get something which looked quite encouraging in animals, the safety trials in humans will have to be fairly extensive before we would think about vaccinating a group of people who have not yet been exposed to the virus… They might hope to get protection but certainly wouldn’t be keen to accept a possibility of really serious side effects if they actually caught the virus.”

Yes. That’s right. This was acceptable for a Doctor to say in April 2020, as it was any time before the sudden creation of these new “vaccines”. Now saying it means you won’t even be *allowed* to be a Doctor. Or have a job or business at all, in any industry, for that matter. You may even be locked up.

What changed?

To make it worse, these vaccines have already begun “losing effectiveness” so rapidly that they are already coming out with “booster” shots, effectively preparing us for an indefinite chain of compulsory medical procedures that will be forced upon us all, lest we be cast out to join the other lepers that have been banished from their communities, excluded from the economy and separated from their families.

This 2 years ago would have been hyperbole for dramatic effect – Now it is actually Government Policy in some of the most powerful Nations on Earth, with most others heading the same way.

In addition, there are new reports of side effects by the day, even reports of children dying of heart attacks and serious neurological disorders. Let’s not just use anecdotal stories here: In Europe alone over 2 million adverse reactions have been reported, with over half of them serious, along with over 20,000 deaths.

These reported incidents are likely only a fraction of all of those which have occurred. Let that sink in for a second. The FDA’s figures aren’t looking spectacular, either. This will also be covered in detail in the future.

First 70% of the population needed to be vaccinated for “herd immunity”, then 80% and now it’s allegedly 100%. I’m just waiting for someone to say 110%. It might even be achievable depending on how you count the unborn children they now want “vaccinated”, pumping propaganda out by the day in the front pages of newspapers telling pregnant women to come and get their “safe jabs”.

I couldn’t begin to imagine why they would be reluctant – Sorry I forgot, nobody is reluctant, they must be “vaccine hesitant”.

Did you notice that Big Media all started parroting off that phrase at the same time, whether Left or Right, as long as they were a mainstream, “establishment” media company? How strange that these “mortal enemies” were all now on the same side for once.

Less strange when you consider nearly all of them are owned by 6 companies.

Anyway back to the original question at the start of this article: Why would anyone take this risk knowing it would mean Political, if not literal, Suicide if their gamble goes south?

Because if there’s no control group, there’s no genocide – They can lie about or manipulate the statistics, as they already do, but it’s hard to hide millions of people who haven’t had their dose of the “safe vaccine” from the millions who may develop tumors, autoimmune diseases, neurological conditions and so on in 5, 10 or 15 years time.

Or perhaps next year. Nobody Knows.

If something goes wrong it needs to go wrong for everyone, except them and their families who wouldn’t even care to share the same room with a syringe filled with whatever these substances actually are. But a tiny control group like that isn’t evidence that the “vaccines” caused it –

You are, the millions of “unvaccinated”.

Nobody, myself included, *could* know, no matter who they are, because nobody can see into the future and the trials were simply not done. Covid wasn’t announced as an official pandemic until January last year. That was just over a year and a half ago. It’s impossible for anyone to state they know the long term effects – if we could do that without the trials we, of course, would do.

We can’t.

But we *can* look at what has happened in the past.

And that is my point.

The only thing we do know is this – They willingly, at the very least, took a criminally negligible risk with the lives of as many people on Earth as they could get these substances injected into.

They even locked them in their homes or stopped them leaving the country or getting an education just to force them to get it.

Now come Covid Passports.

Perhaps they should just make us all wear a Star of David on our clothes to identify us as what we are – The new Jew in the New Nazi Regime.

Only this time the regime has already spread over most of the world, with the most backing coming from the countries that boast about being Freedom-Loving Liberal Democracies.

Maybe the side effects never materialize – Maybe they wipe out half of us in five years.

But they took that risk with our lives – With the lives of our children, even the ones yet to come in to the world, in addition to the ones that may never be conceived if infertility arises from this War Crime.

In short: They did it to save themselves, at the expense of the entire world.

On what I am sure is an unrelated note: Pfizer and Moderna decided to vaccinate *the control groups in their studies*, apparently deeming the 99.97% survival rate of Covid for those that aren’t elderly or seriously ill just too much of a risk to take.

I hope it makes a little bit more sense now why they need that vaccine in you and your loved ones so badly.


Welcome to Nuremburg-19 (N-19).

Let’s get straight to the point.

The Covid Experiment refers to the use of the “Covid Pandemic” to usher in a Global, Bio-Surveillance Police State. This is not a theory – this has already in large part occurred and the situation is not only continuing to deteriorate, but it is doing so at an increasingly rapid pace.

What few remaining freedoms you may have left this morning could be gone by this afternoon, thanks to an Elitist power-grab that has crippled the lives of Billions. All “justified” via manipulated statistics to excuse the inhumane policies of those who so often exempt themselves from their own rules.

The world is now a place where self-proclaimed Democracies can forcibly imprison, medically experiment on, financially ruin and ruthlessly censor anyone who disagrees with giving total control over their, and their families’, lives to a Political Class who views itself as their “Ruling” Class.

These supposedly “free” nations want complete dominance over their populations – from your business to your body – to a degree that many Pre-Covid Dictatorships wouldn’t have admitted to.

As of the time of writing ( August 2021 ) we are already entering a new stage – A Global Medical Apartheid, orchestrated by Globalist Organizations and that are largely unelected, and unheard of, as far as the Billions of people whose lives they have interrupted, damaged or destroyed are concerned.

Whatever your view, none of the above is a conspiracy theory. It is just a brief, limited summary of what has been openly admitted to, and in some cases even bragged about, by the Political and Financial Elite themselves.

The name of this site is a reference to the link between the The Nuremberg Code and Covid-19. The Nuremberg Code was created in the aftermath of the gruesome Nazi / Axis-Power Human Experimentation that took place throughout World War Two. This was to show Governments were willing to make a public commitment to stop forced Medical Procedures, a gross violation of Human Rights, from ever happening again in the future.

The Covid Experiment is the most wide-scale and flagrant violation of The Nuremberg Code imaginable. This is without question – Here is the very first of the ten
principles that make up the Code:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated
as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion;
and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

Now compare that to what is happening around us. Once again, no theories – Just what is proudly stated by those pulling the strings / supporters of the Bio-Surveillance Police State. The Medical Apartheid currently underway has already seen restrictions which have been, or will shortly be, put in place.

These openly discriminate against, and in many cases outright exclude, those who refuse to be Guinea Pigs from Education, Work, Religious Events, Social Life, Shopping for essential goods, International Travel, Domestic Travel and everything else imaginable. That’s right – They don’t even want you to be able to leave the country. Although the way things are looking there won’t be anywhere to go.

There are various parties responsible for this atrocity, from the Mainstream Media blacking out any negative information related to the “vaccines” to the Politicians recommending the exclusion of those who won’t be physically and psychologically subjugated and manipulated by a Tyrannical Government / Organization.

Make no mistake about it – This is a war – And the horrors we have witnessed will pale in comparison to those we will face in the near future.

This is not a war between Nations for resources or territory. It is an ideological war being fought within Nations between two broad categories of people.

The first category is the Globalist Elites, supported by those who like the idea of complete dependence on, and domination at the hands of, the State. This also includes
those whose first reaction was to naively trust that the Government has their best interests at heart and wouldn’t lie to them.

“Two weeks to flatten the curve” was, as of the time of writing, a year and a half ago. How there are people which could maintain this rose-tinted view of their Government even a single month into the Covid Experiment, despite the vast quantity of information their “leaders” provided them which then turned out to be lies, is beyond comprehension.

At least it would be if the twin propaganda & censorship campaigns rolled out internationally hadn’t been so intensive. Big Tech and Big Media have certainly earned the untold Billions which they have made, and continue to make, thanks to the lockdowns they “support” through mass censorship, even going so far as to encourage people to report anyone spreading “misinformation” to stop the spread of “extremism”.

“Misinformation” is anything not approved by either the WHO, another Globalist Organization or one of their Puppet National Politicians that stick precisely to the official narrative – The same narrative which will see the world locked down and enslaved indefinitely.

Anyone who disagrees is attacked and blacked out, from an organization in Spain comprised of European Doctors to a US Senator standing alongside American Doctors pleading for the Government to stop lying to people during a Senate Committee Hearing, explaining that large numbers of people were dying as a result.

If they can make you disappear they will, otherwise they will attack your credibility and character, no matter how many PhDs, how many decades of experience or how much empirical evidence you have.

So what about the other side of this war?

The second category is comprised of the hundreds of Millions of people all around the world who know, either through professional / personal experience, critical thinking, a basic knowledge of History, common sense or having viewed some of the evidence which managed to slip through the censorship of Big Tech and Big Media, that something is seriously wrong.

People who won’t allow themselves to be enslaved, whether physically through coerced medical procedures, psychologically through Mass Media campaigns aimed at inducing
mass hysteria (and therefore mass compliance) or economically through the intentional destruction of their businesses and careers.

But more than anything?

They won’t risk their and their families’ lives placing blind faith into a Globalist, Authoritarian Cartel of Elites and Crony National Politicians who care more about gaining power for themselves at any cost than the suffering of their own people.

Since the beginning of the Experiment they have actively facilitated the destruction of their citizens’ lives and civil liberties, simply banning protests and blacking-out any unrest or dissenting opinion.

Many seem to be thoroughly enjoying making life hell for “the unvaccinated”, coming up with new ways on a daily basis to deepen the divide their Medical Apartheid is intended to cause.

So if this is a war, what does that make the people in charge of this insidious experiment?

War Criminals.

And what about those who resist being enslaved, tagged with Covid Passports that force them to “check-in” with the Government every time they want to go to the local supermarket, to school, to their jobs or to travel abroad? Those who won’t willingly be turned into Human Cattle – Confined, Controlled, Monitored and Silenced? Those who don’t want to look in the newspaper every morning to see if they can hug their relatives?

You are the only hope your children have of knowing what freedom ever felt like.

You are N-19.

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