The Medical, Military and Police Purges – Get Ready For The Next Stage Of Apartheid and Permanent Martial Law.

We have just witnessed the announcement that the US Military is planning to force all Active-Duty Personnel to take an experimental vaccine that hasn’t been approved by the FDA, did not pass (and is of a type that has never passed) Animal Testing trials to prove it is safe in Humans and is manufactured by Big Pharma who they have given Immunity from liability if they maim or kill them, en masse, in 2, 5, 10 or 20 years’ time.

Of course, why wait? Millions of reports have already been made of adverse side effects relating to these vaccines in Europe alone. Tens of thousands dead. Many were elderly, sure, but that isn’t mentioned when figures of deaths in Covid-19 infected patients are used to justify indefinite Martial Law Worldwide, so you can’t have it both ways.

Actually, apparently, you can.

Not to mention you could, according to “Covid Death” Criteria in the UK as an example, be hit by a car and still count as a Covid-19 death if a highly inaccurate PCR test said you had it 28 days before.

Look it up. That is the actual criteria. That will go down as a Covid Death. That alone should tell you this whole thing has absolutely nothing to do with Public Health.


This is a purge – It is as simple as that. This purge will be imitated by many Governments worldwide.

If they are a “developed” country that has inconvenient things such as Human Rights laws and laws regarding Medical Consent, they will simply re-write them.

Or better yet (as has been the case throughout the World since the Covid Experiment went live) they will simply ignore them by giving themselves indefinite “Emergency Powers” through a never-ending series of renewals to the “States Of Emergency” that they have used to acquire Absolute, Dictatorial Authority over their cattle.

Powers which they have used to commit human rights abuses on a mass scale, while violating all 10 principles of the Nuremberg Code.

A code modeled on preventing the evil acts of Nazi & Japanese War Criminals from occurring in the future.

So getting back to the point:

Be subject to Medical Experimentation or you can’t stay in the Military.

You will also potentially be subject to court martial and lose all of your benefits (such as your pension), even if you have given 20 years of exemplary service to your country.

Do you see how desperate they are?

Why would a Government do this to their Military, many of whom are firmly against the vaccine for the above stated reasons (and about a hundred more legitimate ones on top of that)?

Why are they forcing Medical Staff to get the injection – who are turning it down in large numbers – even firing Medical Staff who refuse despite simultaneously claiming that they are “overwhelmed” with Covid patients and are at “full capacity”.

Aren’t they interested in finding out why the most qualified people on the planet would rather lose their careers than get the “vaccine”?

Just imagine that. Firing nurses, in some cases 150+ in a single hospital, when you say there is a pandemic “ravaging” the country.

Soon, but not yet, they will make it mandatory for Police in the US. But they can only deal with the fallout from one purge at a time. It is very telling that they chose the Military over the Police as their priority – Until you think about it carefully.

The Fact is that Countries worldwide will do this as those who do not take the Vaccine simply do too much critical thinking to be useful when looking to segregate, discriminate against and effectively shut out (at best) or imprison “Non-Compliants”.

If you aren’t their property, you aren’t allowed in society anymore.

As the Australian Government has shown, who at this stage should no longer call itself Democratic or adherent to Human Rights Conventions as they have completely lost their minds with power, they will happily use the Military to enforce their Apartheid.

One of their own tried to speak out against the masks and Lockdowns recently and there is now talk of rooting him out of Government altogether for daring to speak out against the one and only truth – The Globalist, Authoritarian Narrative.

This isn’t about your health. The masks, the experimental vaccines, the propaganda which frankly has surpassed even the Soviets and is now in league with the Chinese Communist Party.

Which would make sense, seeing as most National Politicians who support Global Martial Law are personally in league with the CCP as well, be it for financial gain, power or simply because they are an actual Communist.

By way of example: The Current *Head of the WHO*, a proud member of an Ethiopian Communist Political Party also designated by the US as a terrorist organization, who you may have noticed now has more power than anyone you are allowed to vote for despite the fact almost nobody knew who he was before he was placed into his position by other people you also don’t know the identities of.

Do you think he would be there if the Chinese thought he was against their agenda? Do you think it is a coincidence that a literal Communist heads the WHO?

Jacinda Arden, the Far-Left New Zealand Prime Minister who just performed two mass country-wide gun confiscations in the last few years based on the first mass shooting in 30 years in the country that wasn’t even committed by a New Zealand Citizen. It
was an Australian. She actually bragged how it only took weeks to pass the bill allowing for mass gun confiscation.

She also effectively works as Xi Jinping’s Communist Regime’s PR Manager, routinely ignoring their human rights abuses. She was happy to dress up in a head dress for the Mosque shooting she used to strip her country of guns for something not one of them was guilty of, but ignores The Chinese Xinjiang Concentration Camps which imprison 1-1.5 Million Uyger Muslims in any given year.

She is also untouchable and can do no wrong in the eyes of both Big Media and Big Tech.

Who are owned by people making Billions for themselves by keeping you locked down. As just one example, Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

Work that one out.

Your Government is preparing for any combination of, or all of, the following things:

*Enforcing at gunpoint your new 2nd Class Status in society.

*Taking your children away from you if you refuse to get them “vaccinated” – Likely to the “Green Zones” the CDC suggested.

*Stopping you trying to exercise the basic rights that will now be a thing of the past, like the right to protest or speak freely. You have no rights anymore – We now live in a permanent state of emergency where they are forever “suspended”. It’s for your own good, of course.

*Placing you or your relatives by force into CDC “Green Zone” Camps, as outlined in a previous N-19 Update.

*Forcibly injecting you with whatever experimental substances they deem fit.

*Imprisoning you.

*Eventually, if every other time this scenario has played out in Human History is anything to go by, they will start “cleansing” the country of “health / social risks” like you altogether.


In large numbers.

I would say blacklisting you to stop you accessing basic services, even health services, but that’s already been done. Now they need loyal “Yes Men” who will arbitrarily detain, or even put a bullet in, their own countrymen if someone with a higher rank tells them to.

A Globalist / Communist “Model Enforcer.”

Critical thinking at this Critical stage is a Critical Threat to them. If they don’t force enough people to take this vaccine soon the control group will be too large and any side effects, or intentional effects, that injure or kill the rest will be too obvious.

And they know that will be the end of them.

So they would rather have everything in place to end you first.

This is why they are, in some countries, even stopping you from leaving the country altogether until you are “double jabbed”.

Remember what the CDC said in the document in the prior Update – Up to a “quarter of the population” qualifies to be placed into those camps for “at least 6 months” but “possibly much longer”.

Don’t let yourself be one of them.

This applies to everyone, not just Americans / Australians / New Zealanders – Be Prepared. A lot of these mandates have deadlines for next month – The US Military, Places of employment etc.

Get your plan together, because there is no hiding from this one. They will be at your door in the near future – They have said so themselves.

And it won’t be good.

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