What is N-19?

Welcome to Nuremburg-19 (N-19).

Let’s get straight to the point.

The Covid Experiment refers to the use of the “Covid Pandemic” to usher in a Global, Bio-Surveillance Police State. This is not a theory – this has already in large part occured and the situation is not only continuing to deteriorate, but it is doing so at an increasingly rapid pace.

What few remaining freedoms you may have left this morning could be gone by this afternoon, thanks to an Elitist power-grab that has crippled the lives of Billions. All “justified” via manipulated statistics to excuse the inhumane policies of those who so often exempt themselves from their own rules.

The world is now a place where self-proclaimed Democracies can forcibly imprison, medically experiment on, financially ruin and ruthlessly censor anyone who disagrees with giving total control over their, and their families’, lives to a Political Class who views itself as their “Ruling” Class.

These supposedly “free” nations want complete dominance over their populations – from your business to your body – to a degree that many Pre-Covid Dictatorships wouldn’t have admitted to.

As of the time of writing ( August 2021 ) we are already entering a new stage – A Global Medical Apartheid, orchestrated by Globalist Organizations and that are largely unelected, and unheard of, as far as the Billions of people whose lives they have interrupted, damaged or destroyed are concerned.

Whatever your view, none of the above is a conspiracy theory. It is just a brief, limited summary of what has been openly admitted to, and in some cases even bragged about, by the Political and Financial Elite themselves.

The name of this site is a reference to the link between the The Nuremberg Code and Covid-19. The Nuremberg Code was created in the aftermath of the gruesome Nazi / Axis-Power Human Experimentation that took place throughout World War Two. This was to show Governments were willing to make a public commitment to stop forced Medical Procedures, a gross violation of Human Rights, from ever happening again in the future.

The Covid Experiment is the most wide-scale and flagrant violation of The Nuremberg Code imaginable. This is without question – Here is the very first of the ten
principles that make up the Code:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated
as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion;
and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.”

Now compare that to what is happening around us. Once again, no theories – Just what is proudly stated by those pulling the strings / supporters of the Bio-Surveillance Police State. The Medical Apartheid currently underway has already seen restrictions which have been, or will shortly be, put in place.

These openly discriminate against, and in many cases outright exclude, those who refuse to be Guinea Pigs from Education, Work, Religious Events, Social Life, Shopping for essential goods, International Travel, Domestic Travel and everything else imaginable. That’s right – They don’t even want you to be able to leave the country. Although the way things are looking there won’t be anywhere to go.

There are various parties responsible for this atrocity, from the Mainstream Media blacking out any negative information related to the “vaccines” to the Politicians recommending the exclusion of those who won’t be physically and psychologically subjugated and manipulated by a Tyrannical Government / Organization.

Make no mistake about it – This is a war – And the horrors we have witnessed will pale in comparison to those we will face in the near future.

This is not a war between Nations for resources or territory. It is an ideological war being fought within Nations between two broad categories of people.

The first category is the Globalist Elites, supported by those who like the idea of complete dependence on, and domination at the hands of, the State. This also includes
those whose first reaction was to naively trust that the Government has their best interests at heart and wouldn’t lie to them.

“Two weeks to flatten the curve” was, as of the time of writing, a year and a half ago. How there are people which could maintain this rose-tinted view of their Government even a single month into the Covid Experiment, despite the vast quantity of information their “leaders” provided them which then turned out to be lies, is beyond comprehension.

“Misinformation” is anything not approved by either the WHO, another Globalist Organization or one of their Puppet National Politicians that stick precisely to the official narrative – The same narrative which will see the world locked down and enslaved indefinitely.

At least it would be if the twin propaganda & censorship campaigns rolled out internationally hadn’t been so intensive. Big Tech and Big Media have certainly earned the untold Billions which they have made, and continue to make, thanks to the lockdowns they “support” through mass censorship, even going so far as to encourage people to report anyone spreading “misinformation” to stop the spread of “extremism”.

Anyone who disagrees is attacked and blacked out, from an organization in Spain comprised of European Doctors to a US Senator standing alongside American Doctors pleading for the Government to stop lying to people during a Senate Committee Hearing due to the large numbers of people dying as a result.

If they can make you disappear they will, otherwise they will attack your credibility and character, no matter how many PhDs, how many decades of experience or how much empirical evidence you have.

So what about the other side of this war? The second category is comprised of the hundreds of Millions of people all around the world who know, either through professional / personal experience, critical thinking, a basic knowledge of History, common sense or having viewed some of the evidence which managed to slip through the censorship of Big Tech and Big Media, that something is seriously wrong.

People who won’t allow themselves to be enslaved, whether physically through coerced medical procedures, psychologically through Mass Media campaigns aimed at inducing
mass hysteria (and therefore mass compliance) or economically through the intentional destruction of their businesses and careers.

But more than anything? They won’t risk their and their families’ lives placing blind faith into a Globalist, Authoritarian Cartel of Elites and Crony National Politicians who care more about gaining power for themselves at any cost than the suffering of their own people.

Since the beginning of the Experiment they have actively facilitated the destruction of their citizens’ lives and civil liberties, simply banning protests and blacking-out any unrest or dissenting opinion.

Many seem to be thoroughly enjoying making life hell for “the unvaccinated”, coming up with new ways on a daily basis to deepen the divide their Medical Apartheid is intended to cause.

So if this is a war, what does that make the people in charge of this insidious experiment?

War Criminals.

And what about those who resist being enslaved, tagged with Covid Passports that force them to “check-in” with the Government every time they want to go to the local supermarket, to school, to their jobs or to travel abroad? Those who won’t willingly be turned into Human Cattle – Confined, Controlled, Monitored and Silenced? Those who don’t want to look in the newspaper every morning to see if they can hug their relatives?

You are the only hope your children have of knowing what freedom ever felt like.

You are N-19.

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