Green Is The New Red – Analyzing The CDC Document For American Concentration Camps

Here is the CDC Document “Evaluating Considerations” for Concentration Camps, which in a failed attempt
at Public Relations have been labelled “Green Zones”.

The thinking behind the name is clear. Green Zones were the safest areas for American Troops in Iraq and
elsewhere. Green is about as far from Red, traditionally recognized as the color of Communism and Fascist
Regimes like the National Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. Everyone likes to see the Stock Market Green when
they invest (unless they have shorted a stock).

It’s a positive color.

But that’s where the positivity ends here unfortunately.

First, Source:

That’s the CDC itself, so we can skip the “prove the theory” stage. They are happy to own this one.

This N-19 Update will be analyzing the words from the CDC themselves whilst giving you the original quotes so you can make your own judgement call. This is about informing you and
shortlisting the important points in a lengthy document.

Here are six quotes (to start with), with all but the final one being from the Summary at the end so we can get an overview (italics inserted):

1) “While the shielding approach is not meant to be coercive, it may appear forced or be misunderstood in humanitarian settings.”

2) “As with many community interventions meant to decrease COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, compliance and
behavior change are the primary rate-limiting steps and may be driven by social and emotional factors. These changes are difficult in developed, stable settings…”

3) “While the premise is based on mitigation strategies used in the United Kingdom, there is no empirical evidence whether this approach will increase, decrease or have no effect on morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 epidemic in various humanitarian settings.”

4) “This document highlights a) risks and challenges of implementing this approach, b) need for additional
resources in areas with limited or reduced capacity, c) indefinite timeline, and d) possible short-term and long-term adverse consequences.”

5) “Household-level shielding seems to be the most feasible and dignified as it allows for the least disruption
to family structure and lifestyle, critical components to maintaining compliance… In humanitarian settings,
small village, sector/block, or camp-level shielding may allow for greater adherence to proposed protocol, but at the expense of longer-term social impacts triggered by separation from friends and family, feelings of isolation, and stigmatization. Most importantly, accidental introduction of the virus into a green zone may result in rapid transmission and increased morbidity and mortality as observed in assisted care facilities in the US.

6) “…in some humanitarian settings more than one quarter of the population may fall under high risk categories…”

Let’s look at them.

1) I think we all know why having family members forcibly dragged out of their homes and isolated in camps for a disease as benign as Covid might “appear forced”. Because it is the literal definition of the word. This isn’t Summer Camp – They aren’t Volunteers. Worth noting that they will be there (according to the CDC) for at least 6 months, likely much longer, but we will get to that shortly.

2) There it is again. “Behavior Change”. Is the CDC the Center For Disease Control or the Center for Behavioral Control? They seem more concerned with selling Vaccines they have Billions of Dollars of Patents for and controlling people’s Behavior and Minds than they do with this so called “Deadly Pandemic”. Caused by a virus they funded the creation of through the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but that’s for a future post.

3) No analysis required here, straight from the horses mouth: “No empirical evidence” that it works. They openly admit to not even knowing if it might make it worse. It would, which they know, and the reason is in point 5.

4) “Indefinite Timeline”. How does that sound to you? It isn’t a concentration camp, it’s a “Green Zone”, where we force
(without forcing) your relatives who we deem to be a health risk, which we all know will be expanded to include the
Unvaccinated but even right now includes definitions as broad as “Pre-Existing conditions”, the list of which could be
expanded effortlessly while simply pointing out they declared “Pre-Existing Conditions” as part of the criteria from the

So basically it is already anyone they feel like declaring a risk. Do you remember when the same American Government declared half the country Domestic Terrorists earlier this year? They will be the ones deciding who is a Domestic Health Risk now. Think about that.

5) They can’t even keep Covid-19 out of a single hospital. Many people contract Covid-19 after being admitted to Hospital.
They even state themselves that it is already the case with care homes. This is how you easily gather all of societies health
“risks” and expensive-to-maintain health vulnerable in one place to wipe them out. I am not saying that is or isn’t the
intention – I am saying that is what will almost certainly happen. How can you stop it getting into these proposed “Camps”?

6) If reading this didn’t worry you, you need to wake up – If not for your own sake then for the sake of your family.

These “Green Zones / Camps” are not Concentration Camps because they changed the preceding word, in much the same way “Internment
Camps” weren’t Concentration Camps for Japanese-Americans during World War 2 because they were “Internment” camps.

If they are willing to do it *at the same time* as the Nazi Regime, why not in 2021?

Here are a few more you should be aware of:

“Plan for an extended duration of implementation time, at least 6 months.”

“Herd immunity (the depletion of susceptible people) for COVID-19 has not been demonstrated to date. It is also unclear if
an infected person develops immunity and the duration of potential immunity is unknown. Thus, contingency plans to account
for a possibly extended operational timeline are critical.”

“The green zone and living areas for high-risk residents should be aligned with minimum humanitarian (SPHERE) standards.”

“…it is necessary to ensure minimum public health standards”

“This approach has never been documented and has raised questions and concerns among humanitarian partners who support
response activities in these settings.”

“Each green zone has a dedicated latrine/bathing facility for high-risk individuals”.

“Camp/Sector Level: A group of shelters such as schools, community buildings within a camp/sector (max 50 high-risk
individuals per single green zone) where high-risk individuals are physically isolated together. One entry point is
used for exchange of food, supplies, etc. A meeting area is used for residents and visitors to interact while practicing
physical distancing (2 meters). No movement into or outside the green zone.”

But it definitely is not a Concentration Camp.

Finally, if all that doesn’t do it for you, here’s there bottom line:

“Low-risk HH members (*Note from N-19 – This means “Members of the Public that aren’t sent to the Concentration Camps”) should not enter the green zone. (*Note from N-19 – This means “They cannot see their families, at least in the majority of cases”).

This isn’t just America – This is the whole World – But there is only so much that can be covered in one N-19 Update. Although America stands with the Minority who still have a sizeable, armed Civilian population.

They are coming for your family, and they are coming for you. It’s as simple as that – They have openly stated it. Get over your Cognitive Dissonance and get a plan together, because even if they don’t build these “Green Zones” they have already taken everything away and will continue to take in one form or another until you stop them.

Or they own you.

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