Why These Canadian Elections Won’t Stop Your NWO Government

If Canadians don’t vote the PPC in (the only party that is fighting Communist NWO Social Credit Scores, Covid Passports, Medical Apartheid and a literal Dystopia) I would *usually* say they deserve everything they get.

But nobody deserves the Bio-Surveillance Living Hell that will occur when they quietly pass that bill for Covid Passports on the 22nd, despite it affecting every Canadian’s life more significantly than almost anything in History, without them even declaring the election results until the 24th or 25th a few days later “due to mail votes”.

This, of course, was done by design to ensure the Chinese / NWO get what they paid for from Trudeau, who it should be emphasized sent them *Biological Weapons* (like *Live Ebola*) in 2019, not long before this “pandemic” began – In China).


But let’s not forget – This is a “man”, a term I am using lightly, who openly stated his “admiration” for China for their “Basic Dictatorship” allowing them to turn their Economy around “on a dime” and “go Green”.

Yes. He admires both Chinese Dictators and China’s stellar track record for Environmental Protection. Because he is both a Communist, a Tyrant, bought and paid for but – perhaps most pertinently – Mentally Retarded.

They are going to rig your Canadian elections if they need to, probably using the mail-in votes, much like every other election in NWO-Occupied Territories will be from now on (and many likely have been for some time).

Your guns are your votes Canadians. You have seen the videos of Trudeau – He cannot walk on the streets, even with what appears to be a Battalion following him everywhere he goes, yet he called this election for a reason. He wasn’t unaware how hated he is, so you have to ask yourself – Why would you do that?

So if he, or the other parties who are also Communist and support a Medical Apartheid and surveillance state, get voted in?

You have a very simple choice on how to proceed next.

Fight or live as slaves, because this election will not change anything except securing a fresh term for the Tyrants who have stripped you of every Human Right and Civil Liberty you had.

Happy election day.

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