How To Resist The Covid Experiment Without Being Arrested Or Killed – A Guide: Part 2 – Further Counter-Surveillance / Beating The Government’s Internet “Kill-Switch”

This is part 2 – You should read part 1 first as it contains essential information.

Let’s Dive Straight in:

Intercepting An NWO Police Forces’ Communications / Countering The Government’s “Internet Kill Switch” At Protests And Elsewhere:

So there are a few things I want to teach you here. It is important to bear in mind that even when the Government turns off internet communications, such as during the Arab Spring or during the Current Global Communist Coup, you do have options to communicate with other activists and protesters.

One alternative used by the Hong Kong Protesters during China’s effective takeover during the last few years is something called the “Bluetooth Mesh Network”.

Now before I continue I want to remind you to use the clean phones which I showed you how to obtain in Part 1. NEVER use your phone, bring your phone or link your phone in any way to your Civil Activism – The NWO at the moment has taken away your Civil and Human rights, and protesting the creation of a Bio-Surveillance Police State is now a crime whether you are peaceful or not, so this is very important.

The BMN effectively creates it’s own (ideally encrypted) network, without internet, through Bluetooth (or Wi-Fi), for messages to be passed along until they reach the intended recipient – Be it a single person or a group. These are very effective at protests, but they obviously require a fair amount of protesters to have the application installed in their (clean) phones. The Hong Kong protesters used an app called “Bridgefy”, although an
alternative to that is Briar. To quote their website:

“Briar is a messaging app designed for activists, journalists, and anyone else who needs a safe, easy and robust way to communicate. Unlike traditional messaging apps, Briar doesn’t rely on a central server – messages are synchronized directly between the users’ devices. If the internet’s down, Briar can sync via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, keeping the information flowing in a crisis. If the internet’s up, Briar can sync via the Tor network, protecting users and their relationships from surveillance.”

Another option is a HAM Radio, which is cheap and can be used to monitor Police Communications and other emergency lines, as well as listening to standard Radio Stations for information should Communications be shut down. Ideally get one with a solar-powered (if somewhere like Australia) or better yet, manual
charging capability (i.e. you turn a handle to charge it up). After all, depending on how bad things get, you may not have access to batteries in some cases.

They are simple to program and there is an abundance of resources available on the internet to give you the frequencies you need for your country / area, as well as guides on how to use them and which one you should buy.

Here is a good one: – General Guide – English-Speaking Short-Wave List (Global).

In the last few years many Police Forces have switched to encrypted communications, however these can still be heard with certain HAM Radios. Or you can use the next option I am about to run through with you.

Quick note: Don’t broadcast on the HAM Radio – You don’t need to get yourself in unnecessary trouble, and many countries have Strict fines and punishments for broadcasting without a license. Yes, it may or may not be legal to listen in with a HAM Radio depending on your country, but you almost certainly are not allowed to broadcast without a license. Plus, why draw unnecessary attention to the fact you can intercept their communications? I believe many, if not all, countries make an exception to this in cases of emergencies, however, like if you are lost in the woods. But do your due diligence.

In addition to the two options above, the third option is a Police Scanner. You don’t have to carry one around or order one online (you shouldn’t be ordering any of the equipment in this series online or buying it any way other than cash). You can download (free) apps for your (clean) phone. Ideally not from the Apple or Google Stores – just get them from their respective websites directly.

Of course the last option would be to send people near the “front lines” of a protest (but away from the grasp of the NWO-Enforcers – The Australian Police have proven they are willing to attempt to murder unarmed protesters by shooting point-blank at their heads with rubber bullets).

They can then listen to the Front-Line Officers communicate with
each other verbally and pass the messages to the rest of the protest via the encrypted communications method you choose to use. This can provide valuable warning to the group
as a whole about a planned change in tactics. They can also monitor their movements, which can give away what tactics they intend to use to crush people’s right to free speech.

Now I want to cover a few other Counter-Surveillance techniques I didn’t mention in Part 1:

*Faraday Boxes –

Get a Metal box – The metal should be as thick as possible and if you don’t have anything suitable you can use Aluminum foil, although this isn’t recommended. You can then put your phones in it and test it cuts the signal off by trying to call them – If they ring, it isn’t working, obviously.

This should never be your primary method of stopping something like an IMSI-Catcher or Cell-Phone Records picking up your location – It is an additional step to further conceal your clean phone. Let’s clear up a misconception – Turning your phone onto airplane mode doesn’t make you untraceable. Neither does
turning it off, taking away app permissions or even taking the sim card out.

The only thing that stops a phone being traced is if it cannot receive any type of signal whatsoever. Your phone being *clean* stops it being traced to you provided you follow the steps I outlined in Part 1 – The Faraday box just takes it one
step further by making the phone itself untraceable.

Lasers –

A favorite of the Hong Kong Protesters. Not only are they useful for countering Riot Police, which we will cover in a later installment, but powerful lasers can disable CCTV without causing criminal damage or even being visible. Just aim it at the camera, make sure it is sufficiently powerful and you have just disabled
one of the NWO-Enforcers’ primary tools to track down peaceful protesters and persecute them in the wake of a protest. Well done. This is an *additional* measure – *Always* cover your face and assume the laser hasn’t worked.

*”Black-Bloc” Dress Codes –

The protesters should dress the same and in something common and inconspicuous – The Hong Kong Protesters did it in black, utilizing face masks and construction helmets to provide
them protection from tear gas, rubber bullets (at least to the head) and make it very difficult for Police to identify one and “pick them off”.

However, you need to bring a change of clothes for when the protest is coming to an end (or you plan on leaving). The downside is that if you are caught in a precarious position, such as the Police “Kettling” you (I will explain this technique in a future installment), then it is harder to deny you were part of the protest (although, you say NOTHING, as I have already emphasized ad nauseum in the first part of this series).

Part 3 Coming Next.

Stay safe, keep fighting, down with the NWO.

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