The Vaccines Cause Your Body To Attack Itself – The Delta Variant Shows A Higher Likelihood of ADE – The Chinese Are Looking At Treatments For What The West Still Labels Misinformation. And wouldn’t you know it – They may already have one.

First – Sources:

Just to make you all aware of what the second study means: The Vaccine causes Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack (i.e. They cause your body to attack it’s own lung tissue), which you are currently not allowed to talk about in the West (while the Chinese have already started looking into cures for it).

Antibody Dependent Enhancement, which is the worst case scenario and will certainly lead to a genocide, the first study shows it “may be a concern” for those who took the vaccines based on the “Original Wuhan Strain” (So a few Billion people currently).


Because “Facilitating Antibodies” (the “bad” ones that make an infection worse, i.e. “enhance” it) show a “strikingly increased affinity” for the Delta Strain.

And if it isn’t the Delta Strain that causes ADE, then it could just be the next strain. They won’t stop, especially as mass vaccination in the middle of a pandemic where transmission is still widespread can’t work because by the time you have come up with a vaccine for the current strain a new one has already developed and begun transmission – It’s impossible to keep up.

And you especially don’t do it with a vaccine that skipped a decades worth of safety trials, then had the companies intentionally destroy any evidence of the lack of efficacy / danger of the vaccines by *vaccinating their control groups*, in at least one case after only *3 weeks*.

But they just couldn’t take a chance with a disease with a 99.7% survival rate. The bodies would have been piled sky-high. Much better to inject it into Billions of people through coercement, create a Medical Apartheid and see what happens.

Surely nothing but good could come from this, right?

It’s all for your protection, remember.

And don’t worry about Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack, at least. The Chinese, as you can see from the second source above, already have a potential “cure” for the damage their first “cure” does for the disease they also manufactured in partnership with the US Government. These are the same people that sold Personal Protective Equipment for extortionate prices to the West when this Virus was first “discovered” (released), remember.

And for ADE they recommend “Second Generation Vaccines” not based on the “Original Wuhan Strain” – The problem being that, if these Governments are telling the truth, they have already vaccinated about a third of the World’s population with the original vaccines, which means the Delta strain now puts those Billions of people at risk of a Cytokine Storm which causes Multiple Organ Failure and, as you may have guessed, death in many cases.

If we dodge the bullet with Delta, we roll the dice again with the next variant being the one to cause ADE. ADE, put simply, means that if you get infected by Covid again you will likely die.

But, once again, what happens when you vaccinate *during* a pandemic when transmission is widespread? More variants emerge, and therefore newer generation vaccines are required, and this cycle repeats until a more lethal variant emerges that is resistant to the vaccines altogether and kills a substantial amount of the World’s population. But it *is* extremely profitable.

It is also a perfect excuse, Biology aside, for a Global Bio-Surveillance Police State. A never-ending “State of Emergency” due to a never-ending “Pandemic”. “Covid Passports” tracking your every move. The Chinese want to head up that system, by the way. Something to bear in mind.

Plus – If the Vaccines begin killing and maiming people, which they have (most notably children), you just blame it on a new variant where you can (like Cytokine Storms) or write it off as “rare” where you can’t (children having heart attacks).

Do you not find it strange that the Chinese are already writing papers on potential cures for the damage Spike Proteins *in the vaccines* do to lung tissue, whilst the mere mention of vaccines harming you at all will get you banned from Social Media?

They are still lying to you telling you that the spike protein stays at the injection site – It doesn’t, it travels around your body and damages heart, lung and other tissues – Many of which *do not regenerate* (i.e. they are damaged permanently).

But don’t take my word for it – Here is Dr. Ryan Cole at the White Coat Summit with hard evidence in the form of slides showing what these vaccines (which he refers to as “A Poisonous Attack on our population”) do to your body:

And the Western Governments? They were in on it. Justin Trudeau, Jacinda Arden, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Dan Andrews , Angela Merkel and Macron all knew about this. In other words, The Five Eyes security network plus the modern monarchy of Europe all knew about this.

They all knew.

They have murdered Millions of people. They have murdered your children.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement will kill untold amounts of people, as the “Tin foil hats” have been warning for 18 months.

Those tin foil hats include a former Vice President of Pfizer, the inventor of MRNA technology, a nobel prize-winning French Virologist and the creator of the PCR test who stated it was never meant to diagnose any illness.

They have also handed World Domination to the Chinese, who they spent Millions in partnership with at the Wuhan Institute to turn this into a Bio-Weapon.

Which the CDC and Fauci have patents on the cures for. Which is why they ignored Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, Zinc etc.

You have been exterminated – Do you care?

Is it back to Netflix?

They have murdered, maimed and sterilized hundreds of millions of people.

While calling you terrorists and telling the rest of the world that it is your fault that you wont stick this poison in your and your children’s arms.

YOU are the reason they have no freedom. YOU are the reason they are bankrupt. If only the “vaccinated” could get rid of YOU everything would go back “to normal”.

This is how the Holocaust happened. This, right now.

If you wonder what you would have done when Hitler or Stalin were in power if you were a citizen?

You are doing it now.

If you have a gun, now is the time to load it. If you have a bag, now is the time to pack it.

Wake up before you get your family killed.

This is Bio-Surveillance Communism and you are going to one of those “Green Zones” the CDC is dreaming up, or your country’s equivalent, if you don’t sort yourself out and gear up.

Wake Up.

If you don’t know who the Man is in the picture at the start of this article, it’s Joseph Mengele.

I suggest you look him up.

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